TWC 2023 Challenge Grant

Dear Friends and Supporters of Topanga Women’s Circle,

It is with immense gratitude and a heart full of hope that we reach out to you today. Thanks to you, we have been able to serve more homeless families and veterans than ever before. This year alone we have created over 75 apartments for families formerly living on the streets, in shelters or motels. Your support and belief in our cause keep us going strong.

Before we all gather with family and friends over the holidays, we want to share the story of one 7-year-old boy, finding joy and stability in his new bedroom. It truly illustrates the positive impact this organization is making.

We got notification from Westwood Transitional Village that a family of five was moving in. Two parents and three young children, the eldest of whom was a seven-year-old boy. We were told that this family had been living ‘rough’ for several years after their father lost his job. All five of them were sleeping in their car and, occasionally, on the couch or the floor at friends’ homes.

And so when this family moved in, their happiness, but particularly that of their young son, was shared with us. The children were excited to have books, some toys and, even more importantly, a bedroom. But when the seven-year-old boy saw that not only did he have his own bedroom, but his very own bed, he was speechless. He was no longer sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag or half-sitting up all night in their car. He couldn’t stop grinning and when he looked at the books and legos in the room, he asked the social worker showing them around if these really were all his.

This is why we do what we do.

We are blessed that a group of supporters have jump started our annual Challenge Grant campaign with $15,000. Donations will be matched, so every dollar contributed will have double the impact. This initiative ensures that even small contributions can go a long way in improving the lives of homeless families and veterans, giving them a chance for a brighter future.

Working with two agencies, Westwood Transitional Village and Venice Community Housing, we help the neediest of families by furnishing these barebones apartments with the necessities we all take for granted.

Thank you for caring about these homeless families and vets as they move into their new housing. Your donations will help us provide an atmosphere of warmth and comfort and will help to ensure that their move will be a step towards future self-sufficiency.


Lin Ilsley & Teresa Royer

Co-Chairs, Topanga Women’s Circle